In this message we explore the emotion of anger, and learn how to seek God’s wisdom and guidance to use the emotion as a tool that helps us navigate the circumstances of our life in a way that glorifies Him.
Sermon Messages
Strongholds keep us from moving forward into the abundant life that Jesus has called us into. In this message we learn how to identify and destroy the strongholds in our life.
Jesus quotes Psalm 41, as He shows mercy to Judas. As we walk with Jesus, He blesses us with the gift of wisdom, so that we can share in His joy, spreading His light.
In Acts 9 we read about the conversion of Paul. Jesus met Paul where he was at, in his worst state, and changed his life forever by shining his light into Pauls life. Through this account we learn that Jesus can save anyone.
God has a purpose for your life. In this message we read Joshua 2:1-16, and learn about Rahab. A woman that society may have written off as not worthy of God’s love. What we learn in this message is that God has a purpose for every person that will believe in Him, and have faith [...]
After the resurrection, Jesus revealed Himself to many people. In this series we are looking at the lives of some of those people. Thomas, one of the 12 Apostles, had doubt about the resurrection, until Jesus appeared to Him.
After Jesus was resurrected, He appeared to more than 500 people (1 Cor. 15:6). In this series we will look at four of the people in whom Jesus appeared. Mary Magdalene, is thought to be the first person Jesus appeared to, and in this message we will look at the devotion of Mary.
Luke 9:27: “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”
Stay focused on what matters most, so that you are not distracted from your purpose. When Jesus is before all things in our life, we can overcome any challenge, and any obstacle. The Apostle Paul is teaching us how to become aware of the distraction of this world so that we keep our eyes on [...]
Psalm 119:97-105 Here is a sunrise devotional video for you to start your day! Knowledge doesn’t do us any good if we don’t gain wisdom. Wisdom is the key to us making the decisions that will help us live our best possible life.