Find Your Edge

When you reach a place in your life, that Edge, when you feel as though you may have to give up….don’t.

Every great goal in our lives will bring us to an Edge, a place that we have never been before.  A place where we FInd Your Edgecouldn’t possibly know what challenges await us.  When you reach that place, that Edge, do not become discouraged, instead, hold your head up high and remember how hard you had to work to get to that one place!  Hard work, and believing in yourself are the two components that can make all of your dreams come true.  When you reach the place you feel is the end, your Edge remember that it’s not, in fact this place you have reached is just the beginning.  The beginning of the road to help you achieve your greatness. You have never been more ready than you are right now, that is why you have finally made it to the place where you want to give up.  Have faith in your strength, remember why you began the journey and finish what you started!  When you want to stop, when you find your Edge,  you have reached the next level, a congratulations are in order. Now Play On Playa!  Find Your Edge! #KnowTheGoal



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