The warm weather rolls in and we slowly start to come out of the winter hibernation rut that has kept us away from our passion to run! As the flowers and trees bloom new life and the energy of the sun hits us we become energized and look to be active outdoors! My favorite time of year!
As your trainer I have to remind you to not jump right into your old running routine without taking care of the few essentials to be sure it is a safe and healthy running season for you! Running can be hard on the body if not done correctly so here are my top 3 ways to get yourself started! Whether you’re new to running or have been running for years, these 3 to-do’s are key to making this your best running year yet!
1. Start Smart: What are you wearing on your feet? This is the most common question I’m asked by readers, “how often do I change shoes?” and while the answers can differ from person to person, anywhere from 3 months to 5 months if you’re using them often is a safe bet. Don’t skimp on the sneakers, if your soles lack support, it can lead to lower back pain, knee pain and other injuries. The support of your sneaker is very important and I always recommend seeing your local running specialist store so that they can check your gait, record your stride on video and let you know what your foot is doing (pronate – supinate) so that your shoe insures your safety. If you’ve been following me, and live in Charlotte NC, definitely go see the guys at Charlotte Running Company you can click that link to see their locations, but they’ll do this foot, stride, shoe analysis free of charge and you’re guaranteed to learn a lot! They have a huge selection of my favorite brand running sneakers Brooks and a lot of different styles and colors like the ones shown in the picture which are my running shoe of choice the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15.
2. Where and When: If you have not been running for a while, it’s not a great idea to jump back into your 6 mile or more jaunt. Lets see how the body is feeling, start of with 1 or 2 miles on your first day, just to get your feet back under you as the saying goes. Give your shins a chance to feel the impact of the ground, so that they can heel up, be stronger and get you ready for the season. A great idea is to write out a schedule of runs to help you stay focused. Maybe start with 2 miles, wait a day and increase gradually. Figure out your long run goal of the year, and work up toward it, so that when that day comes you are strong and you’re ready! Choose a good place to run, not a busy road with no side walks. If you can find a dirt running track, go with that, if you’re in the Charlotte NC ara there are some great runs, the Ballantyne Greenway, and McAlpine Park are two of my favorite places! Finally pick a good time. The hours of 11 to 4 may be more challenging come summer time. It will hot and humid. If you can go early, or even as the sun starts to set, you’ll be in great conditions.
3. Why? Have you thought about training for a specific race? This is a great way to stay focused and to work toward a goal. The race does not have to be competitive, in fact I highly recommend getting some friends together to all run a race for charity. They are always such a great time, 100’s sometimes 1000’s of people getting together for a cause, I get goose bumps just typing about it because they can be so rewarding. Stay tuned for some upcoming posts on races that I’ll be attending to run for a cause, and if I can meet you there, I’d love for you to say hi!
There you go, three easy ways to find your stride as you begin your running journey! Running is a life long journey, a true marathon of a sport, no matter if you run 1 mile or 90 miles, take in the moment, enjoy the challenge, enjoy the scenery, and most important, make it fun!
‘Know The Goal’