Tips For Donating Canned Goods

The holiday season brings a lot of opportunity to donate to those in need.  It could be clothing, food, or even just your time, whatever the cause you decide to support, great work! The more we can help our community the better off everyone will be!FoodDrive (2)

Our friend Amanda who has played a huge role in helping us coordinate our Sweat For A Cause efforts shared with us some top tips to know when donating canned goods and I thought we should share with you!

  • Only non-perishable food items
  • No glass containers or plastic bags – plastic containers, tin cans and boxed items are best – include pop-top cans
  • Donations assist families – donate items in sizes that would be used for a full sized family
  • Food banks get tons of tuna & soup. Peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned beef, canned ham, canned chicken, & canned salmon are great ideas. Or hearty ready-to-go meals like beef stew and chili with meat
  • Green beans are the #1 donated veggie. Try something different…potatoes, carrots, spinach, peas or any other veggies your family likes
  • Low sugar cereals…Cheerios, Kashi Go-Lean, Raisin Bran, etc
  • Think healthy…low sodium, low sugar, real fruit juice, etc
  • Non-food items: Laundry & dish detergent, Chapstick, shampoo, deodorant, pet food, pet treats
  • No baby food or formula can be accepted


I’m so glad she was able to share this information and I hope you have found it helpful!

I’m even more happy to know that so many of us out there are looking for ways to help!




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