Salvation: In this episode, we will define, salvation. I will share with you why you need it in your life, and then will share how you can have it today.

The essential component of ministry leadership is Team Building. When Jesus said to follow Him, He was setting an example of how to create a ministry that would allow for maximum sustainable growth. Jesus started small with a few (Luke 5), then chose twelve (Luke 6:12-16), and then He sent seventy-two (Luke 10). As a [...]

And, does the peace that Jesus offers make all of my problems go away?

In this episode, I will define the word discipleship, I will tell you why you do want it in your life, and then I will share 3 ways you can start today!

Gospel means good news, and you are going to want to hear how this good news will help your life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. ****************************************************** To walk in faith means to trust in the sovereignty and love of God no matter what obstacles come into our lives. Jesus guaranteed us that [...]

Salvation is the greatest gift that has ever been given. As you define your purpose, and shine your light bright, be sure to share what you know about that gift. Jesus came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin, and that gift is available to everyone. Who will you share your faith [...]

You have to see where you want your life to go if you ever expect to get there. Success is in the eye of the beholder, you must determine what you consider to be your success. Then create a plan of action, steps that can get you to your goal. Stop, breathe, focus, see yourself [...]

When you reach a place in your life, that Edge, when you feel as though you may have to give up….don’t. Every great goal in our lives will bring us to an Edge, a place that we have never been before. A place where we couldn’t possibly know what challenges await us. When you reach [...]

Discipline is the only thing that stands between you and everything you want to accomplish in life. Give great thought to Who you want to be, What you want to be, Where you want to be, then write down the small steps that can make that happen. Go Big, you truly can achieve anything you [...]