The holiday party season has arrived and with it some very tough days to keep to our healthy routine! When going to parties one of the easiest ways to be sure there is something there for you to feel comfortable eating, is to bring it yourself! Here is a an easy appetizer dish that looks [...]
In The Kitchen

I love ranch! There I said it, and honestly I could put it on just about anything. Buuuuuut, that would be counter productive to just about everything I want to accomplish in my health. In my continued quest to find a healthy version of as many food and condiment products that I can, I now [...]

Tis the season Butternut Squash and with the colder weather coming it’s also a great time for warm chili! If you’re looking for another great dish to make and food prep this one will also do the trick! Give it a shot let me know what you think! Know The Goal Ingredients: 1 lb ground [...]

With the cold weather coming, comfort food is what’s going to be on the minds of many and this dish is a healthy savory dish that can serve many and easy to make! We’re cooking with Lamb, a great meat that is high in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) with is a fatty acid that can [...]

One of my favorite ways to grill is to make kabobs, especially when cooking and grilling for guests! This is a great choice when tailgating as well, food on a stick is convenient and easy! Give this recipe a try! Know The Goal Sunflower Orange Glaze Chicken Kabobs 2 cups organic orange juice ½ cup coconut [...]

Being new to the Carolinas I was quickly informed that all BBQ sauce is not made equal, and we are not just talking about the ingredients as much as we are what part of NC you are from. Yup, if you’re not from NC, please be informed there’s an Eastern NC and Western NC way [...]

As we try harder and harder to eat more unprocessed foods we start to get into breaking down more and more of what we eat and how its made. One of the staples in my meal plan is Organic Chicken Salad, which when made to my liking, includes mayonnaise. Normal mayo has been long gone [...]

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it is going to boost your metabolism early and give you the energy you need to get your day off to its best start. The best way to start your day is with protein and healthy fats, both of which can be found in Cage [...]

The plan on the Real 42 or any day of your life is to try and eat 5 times per day of healthy foods that include protein, carbs and good fats. Stay away from calories that your body doesn’t need, such as sugar, white breads, white flour and breads that are made up of non-sprouted [...]

Looking to try a healthy alternative to beef, give Bison a shot and add some great nutrient dense ingredients like Ginger! The below recipe is easy to prep and easy to make. Bison is a federally protected animal so you know that it will not have hormones and they live in a free environment. Their [...]